A Bit About Me
My iconographic journey began during training for the priesthood, when I started exploring possibilities for expressing theology through image as well as word. I am ordained in the Church of England and served in parish ministry for nearly thirteen years, undertaking training in iconography and calligraphy alongside my priestly duties. Sensing God's call to focus full-time on ministry as an iconographer and sacred artist, in early 2023 I set up a studio in my new home in Wiltshire, from where I continue to explore the spiritual dimensions of traditional and contemporary art forms.
In the words of Proust, I strive to see God's world differently.
2010 to 2011
2012 to present
2016 to 2018
2019 to 2022
October 2019 to September 2022
2020 to present
2021 to present
2022 to present
February 2022
May 2022
October 2022
March 2023
September 2023
September 2023
April 2024
September 2024
Ordained deacon and then priest in the Church of England at Peterborough Cathedral
Leading numerous Quiet Days at Launde Abbey on a range of topics related to spirituality, art and iconography
Various Icon Workshops, taught by Aidan Hart at Walcot Hall, Shropshire
Icon Drawing Workshop with the Prince's School of Traditional Arts in London, taught by Hanna Ward
Distance and online learning courses in traditional and modern calligraphy, taught by Gaynor Goffe
Online courses in Celtic Pattern and Gothic Geometry, taught by Adam Tetlow
Certificate in Icon Painting with the Prince's School of Traditional Arts taught by Aidan Hart in Shrewsbury
Various online courses in sacred geometry with the Prince's School of Traditional Arts
Online courses in Modern Calligraphy and Advanced Modern Calligraphy, with Crooked Calligraphy LLC, taught by Shinah Chang
Smooth Gilding online workshop with the Russian Gilding School, taught by Oksana Stanovskaya
Icon Exhibition at All Saints' Church, West Dulwich
Certificate Course Icon Exhibition at The Garrison Chapel, Chelsea
Delivered a Lent lecture on "Faith and iconography" for the Parish of Mortlake with East Sheen
Engraved Gilding online workshop with the Gilding School, taught by Oksana Stanovskaya
Exhibition at Liverpool Parish Church with the British Association of Iconographers
Became a member of Gloucestershire Lettering Arts
Commenced a Masters in Fine Art at Oxford Brookes University
What I'm up to at the moment....
Crucifixion (icon commission)
St Julian of Norwich (icon commission)
St Julian of Norwich (icon commission - yes, a second one!)
St John the Evangelist (icon commission)
St Symeon the New Theologian
Icon of the Resurrection (A Reimagining)
Sacred art
I shall be challenging my wider artistic practice as part of my Masters in Fine Art
I am also continuing with various calligraphy courses and workshops to expand my calligraphy practice
I am currently undertaking a course in Complex Geometry with Lisa de Long for the King's School of Traditional Arts
Upcoming events
Next month, I am leading a community day for Wantage parish on Icons and creativity.
I shall be leading the art workshop as part of Columba week for the Iona Community in June 2025. Check out the Iona Community site for more details on booking.
In August, for six days across two weeks, I shall have an artist residency at Tewkesbury Abbey, painting icons and being available to the many visitors to talk about my work as an iconographer - and, if my experience last summer is anything to go by, much more besides!
In September, I am hoping to exhibit icons in the Exhibition of the British Association of Iconographers, to be held in Westminster Abbey.
I will be leading the Advent reflections for the Gloucester Chapter of the Society of Catholic Priests in November 2025.